Club Meeting Times, Location, and Testing
Our Saturday morning Coffee Check-in Net will happen on the repeater at 9:00 in addition to the regular coffee/breakfast at the Staggering Ox/Red Atlas at 9:30.
The club meets every month on the first non-holiday Monday of the month at the Salvation Army Church at 1905 Henderson St. in Helena, MT. The meeting usually consists of a Business portion where decisions are made regarding the club and also usually a program portion where we have a speaker or other presentation of interest to the club. If you are unable to attend our meeting in person you can always join online here.
The meetings always start at 7:00 pm local time.
Helena Volunteer Examination Schedule:
March 7, 2024
April 18, 2024
Reservations are necessary for each exam date and the number of reservations available will be limited to the exam location. You may also take more than one exam at each exam session (ie Technician and General exams). More details on each exam session will be provided when a reservation is made. Please make your reservation request at least one week prior to the exam date.
If this schedule does not meet your needs, please remember exams are given monthly in Bozeman and Great Falls. Please check the Gallatin or Great Falls Amateur Radio Club websites for more information.
Please contact John Geach (KS7R) with any questions or to make an exam reservation.
CCARC Member Shack Tours
Some of our members have given unprecedented access to our newsletter team in order to show you their shacks.